

I am truly blessed to have a lot of really amazing, extremely talented and humble people in my life. I've introduced you to a few of them so far and I am so SO excited for you to meet Niya. We've been friends since high school and although we've both been very busy throughout college and university, we always managed to stay in touch and everytime we see eachother, it feels as if nearly no time has gone by. Aren't those the best relationships?

Niya is such a talented artist. The entire time I've known her, she has always been very passionate about art. She has been studying for the past four years at the University of Ottawa in the Fine Arts program. Two weeks ago, I attended her final art show, Momentum, where the entire arts building was filled with the student's work. When I finally found Niya's exhibit, I felt a sense of WOW. When you first see her work, you almost feel confused at how beautiful it is. Her paintings look so real, like a photograph, and it took me a minute to realize that it was a painting. It was emotional seeing her work because I know how hard she worked on each piece and I know how passionate she is. Now I'm no artsy-fartsy lady so I won't be speaking in any fancy lingo to describe her paintings but to me, they are SO pretty to look at and I perceived them as showcasing "boring" scenes in a beautiful way, which I thought was a brilliant idea.

I'll stop blabbing now and let you see for yourself.

PAUSE. Can we discuss what a bombshell this woman is? LOOK AT THIS JUMPSUIT. Ah. maz. ing. 

WE ARE FIERCE. She worrrrrks that jumpsuit. Stunna. 

My outfit. Pretty casual yet vibrant. 

All photos taken by myself or Lisa Kidd.

outfit details:
coat: vintage, kensington market shop (toronto), $10
blouse: value village, $8
pants: joe fresh, rikochet resale, $7
boots: dr. martens, gifted
purse: valentina, winners, $26

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