

Today is Bell Let's Talk Day in Canada. It's an initiative started by Bell to encourage a national conversation surrounding mental health. For every text message or long distance phone call (Bell providers only), tweet with #BellLetstTalk, and share of the photo below on Facebook, Bell donates five cents to mental health initiatives across the country. 

As you may know, mental health is a cause that is very close to my heart. All my life, I've seen family and friends struggle with various types of mental illnesses. Days like today truly give me hope that we are not only reducing stigma but raising funds for more support services, something that is very under-funded yet much needed. 

I've been tweeting, texting, and sharing the image below all day, in addition to taking part in a special mental health town hall at CTV Ottawa. Although I'd love to crawl into bed right about now, I want to give a last shout out to today and encourage you all to tweet, retweet, share, and text. 

Most importantly, if there's someone in your life who you know may be struggling with a mental illness, reach out to them. Let them know there's hope, you're there for them, and it does get better. While I've seen extreme lows of a mental illness, I've also seen many people recover beautifully. I myself struggled with anxiety this year and without the help of family, friends, and coping strategies, I wouldn't have been able to get through it alone. 

If you are struggling, please know there is hope, there is help, you are not alone, and it does get better. Let's talk. 

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